Past Times

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I had another day out in Glasgow at the start of May. This time it was more cultured than my occasional (mini) pub crawls with my cousin.

Football was still the main reason for my trip but before the evening game at The National Stadium, in the late afternoon I visited The Tenement House in the Garnethill area close to Charing Cross.

Full Frontal

It is one of those wee cultural gems which I have always known about but never got around to visiting – even although I worked in that part of the city for several years.

I loved the place. Apart from everything else, it was so evocative of my grandparents’ flat in 1960s Aberdeen.

Kitchen, Livingroom and Bedroom

Yes, my grandparents had a bed recess in their main room. That room was their bedroom, living room and kitchen. They too had a coal fired range which was used for cooking as well as heat.

Sitting Room

The sitting room was reserved for entertaining visitors.

Comfort and Style

My grandparents had a shared outside toilet and bathroom located down one flight of outside stairs and then into the garden a bit. Mrs Toward’s inside facilities were a bit more classy, and comfortable.

Strong and Medicated

I can recommend a visit to the house if you are in the city. It is small, so it does not even take up an hour. It cost me £6 with the benefit of my senior citizen discount. They have a tiny cafe on site in case you need refreshed as well. The National Trust for Scotland staff are very friendly (it is Glasgow after all) and helpful.

The End

As for the football, it was the final match of the season for my team (Queen’s Park) and they won a tense, exciting game 2-0.

A good day. I went home happy.

©️ iain taylor, 2024


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