
Volksgarten 08.45

Until my visit in October 2024, I reckon I had only visited Düsseldorf once in (literally) dozens of trips to Germany.

That first visit was in the 1980s, and was 100% for business purposes. The classic airport-hotel-all day meeting-restaurant-hotel-airport working visit. I remember the hotel seemed expensive and the restaurant was Michelin starred, but it was all a bit of a blur. The meeting would have involved lawyers and accountants from all around Europe enjoying the sounds of their own voices.

Little Tokyo

When I was in the city this month I can remember asking myself why I was there. I think the answer was that the flight home (to Edinburgh with Eurowings) was at a more sensible time of day than the one from Köln. I do not mean to be disparaging about the city. In fact I saw very little of it. I had brief outings to Wuppertal and Essen during my two night stay so that did cut into the time available.

Volksgarten 08.40

I can say without a shadow of hesitation that the Düsseldorf Parkrun was wonderful. It is called Volksgarten Parkrun and takes place in the park of that name, a bit to the southeast of the city centre. Oberbilk is the closest U-Bahn and S-Bahn station. I was blessed with a cold but sunny morning and it was just about perfect. In addition I ran a very good time (by my modest standards) with my legs, heart and lungs enjoying the rare treat of a flat course.

Volksgarten Parkrun Start

The next day (Sunday morning) I took a walk over to the Rhein and back, so that was the limit of my exploration.


I stayed at the B&B Hotel close to the main railway station. I have used that brand before (but in Poland) so I new what to expect from the no-frills style. It suits me well.

B&B Hotel Breakfast Room

The airport deserves a mention for being a positive experience. I took the S11 S-Bahn to get there because it uses the station within the terminal. Quick, easy and cheap. Check in was quick and simple. Security was fast. Eurowings left on time. What could be better?

ⓒ iain taylor, 2024


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