Harbour Life, Kleppestø
Bergen was still hot and sticky on my second day in the city – my only full day. It was 29⁰c at 11am when I started to feel it, and checked. It went over 30⁰c again at lunchtime.
This was all predicted by the weather forecast, so I had a plan. I was out of the hotel about 08:30 and got the tram into the city centre to catch the 09:15 ferry to Kleppestø on Askøy. Askøy is a large island just across the fjord from Bergen. The 20 minute trip was included on my 24 hour transport ticket. It’s a commuter ferry.

As I thought, it was a good way to see the city from another aspect and interesting to see how similar Kleppestø is the the place I stayed “in” Oslo, across the harbour by ferry from the city centre.
I had hoped the island might be a bit cooler, but…

Kleppestø Harbour
The heat meant I didn’t explore the town much, or the island, so it was just a short visit but worth it and “free”.

Den Nationale Scene
Once back in the city I wandered through the southern part of the city centre, past Den Nationale Scene (National Theatre) and Johanneskirken.

City Centre
In the evening I spent some time just sitting on the quay opposite Bryggen, people watching and enjoying the evening warmth. It is a great city for relaxation.
ⓒ iain taylor, 2018